Families are Love

Friday, November 8, 2013


Today I came across a woman on the internet who was asking for advice on how to help her son with an autism spectrum disorder understand and deal with death. Feeling like I have a little insight on this I went to comment on the post and as I did was frustrated and disappointed in what I found. Several others had already given advice, but no one had yet to advised this woman to think of religion. I posted my thoughts and advice and hopefully it will help, but I was still left annoyed with it.

Annoyed that there are so many who do not know or maybe just do not have the faith they need to realize they have a Loving Heavenly Father and a Savior Jesus Christ. Annoyed that so many trusted some weird thought of sitting on a cloud or just sleeping in a closed casket under 6 ft of dirt.

But mostly I'm annoyed and my heart is a little torn for these people becuase they have a tough job. They have a tough and beautiful opportunity to help some of our Father's choicest children on this earth and they may not know all the wonderful comfort, peace, direction, love, etc etc etc. they can have while on this journey.

While Josh was here and my boys were together, it was sometimes a daily battle of anger, sadness, depression, joy, thankfulness, and many other feelings because I didn't understand everyday that i needed the Atonement in my life to help me deal with it. Every once in awhile I would be able to get my act together and remember, but it was hard! We are given these wonderful, precious little spirits and quite a few times we may not know how to facilitate them.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


This year is a special one for us, it's the year we have an 8yr old! On April 13 2013 Michael Dean Hansen was baptized and confirmed a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was so excited and a bit nervous. Steven was able to baptize him and confirm him with loving members of our families and friends around. We did a couple of practices at home and a couple of fhes on why we need to be baptized and what we promise. We also had family members and friends write their testimonies down for him. It was awesome to see him all in white, just a precursor for latter on. It was wonderful! The Spirit was strong and we were blessed to have a little piece of Heaven. I was a bit emotional because i am so proud of my boy. He loves primary, he loves reading the scriptures, he loves being a cubscout, he is a great joy and blessing in our life! Mike is a very special member of our family, he is the eldest, the smiliest, and the best brother to his siblings. We are grateful that he is a part of our family!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

tender mercies

I am so blessed to be a mother. I've been able to take time lately and reflect on all the tender mercies I've received from my Heavenly Father. I'm far from perfect, far from deserving, but yet I've been given some wonderful wonderful things!

1. My sweetheart. how he has put up with me, i don't know. he's my comfort, strength, my best friend
2. Wonderful Michael. He is such a joy to have, so full of silliness, compassion, love, full of life! He is so patient with me as his mother. He teaches me a lot about how to be more Christ like, more willing to share how wonderful the truths of the gospel are. I believe he was sent here to do a great amount of good on this earth! oh how i love my boy!
3. Josh. his passing taught me a lot about myself, my marriage and my dependance on my Savior and my Father in Heaven. Being able to feel him near at special times is such a beautiful thing. Knowing he is helping prepare that world for the coming of Christ is such a special feeling and that he got to help his sisters prepare to come to our family is such a comfort that the bonds of family are eternal.
4. KatieBug! What a sweetie. Having Katie helped heal my heart and kept me going knowing I would have another little one to hold and love on. Katie will move mountains! Katie has a zest for life, a craving to get on with what she needs to do. sometimes I think she can't wait to grow up so she can get on with her purpose. She has such an abundance of love for those around her. she can be so gentle and soft with others and at other times so wild, it's like she's ready for her big body not this child's one. she is a helpful caring soul and i'm afraid takes after me in temperment somedays.
5. LeaLou... I don't know if she will actually know her name until she's older. Lea Marie, but I always call her Lou. She's been a good blessing, she's calm and soft, she wants to be cuddled a lot more than my other kids have... and I love that! she has bright shiny eyes that express a lot. She has a look like Josh every once-in-awhile that is just what i need.

I am so thankful for my blessing, my family, my parents. So grateful for a Savior who suffered for my sins, for my pains and sorrows, and who died that I and my family might live again. What a glorious blessing this life is!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My little thanks and my little loves

Being thankful for the things in our lives instead of complaining can spur hopefullness in the midst of trials, happiness to a bad day,  and smiles and laughter to any normal day.

I Am Thankful For:
1. a warm home
2. cuddles with my little Lea Lou
3. lubes from Katie... she's developed a list
4. Michael's kindness to his sisters
5. the infectious laughs of my kids
6. my husband's beautiful eyes... they are so clear and expressive... i don't know where he got them
7. a tax refund... woohoo!
8. Beauty in nature
9. technology
10. healing
11. peace of mind
12. my awesome parents... i don't know if i can tell them "thank you" and "i love you" enough!
13. primary! i love being in primary!!!! those kids are just awesome
14. forgiveness... heaven knows I'm not perfect, i need this everday!
15. a quirky companion... couldn't have had some of the adventures without him!

I could keep going and going and going.

*Michael turned 8! He turned 8! i can't believe he's that old. Mike is a great brother, he loves his family and we are so proud of him... he is such a wonderful boy! He loves school and no matter where he goes he leaves an impression on the people around him. his teacher told me that during a class exercise he was suppose to tell something he special about the person next to him. he had a hard time, but then turned to the girl next and told her that she is a child of God. my michael has such a special spirit and i know he has something awesome waiting for him in the future! oh how we love that boy!
*Katie is such a character, she tries to copy everything, everything Mike does... kind rubs you the wrong way, but she is just wonderful. Katie knows quite a few sight words, can count to 10 most of the time, loves to say prayers and sing I am a Child of God. She knows where she wants to go and is very determined.  We love her so much! Katie is kind and polite and i couldn't ask for a better a better little blondie.
*Lea is now 7 months old, she crawls, pulls herself up on furniture, smiles, laughs, loves her brother and sister, she is such a joy! love that little girl! Lea has been the baby i could just hold and hold.... she'll let me!

I have such wonderful children, i am so thankful that our family can be eternal, i am thankful that we want that, that we love each other! What a beautiful life!!!